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Steam cooker with automatic high temperature control

An accurate cooker time and correct temperature setting are combined with a robust and low maintenance design,turn potatoes into mashed potatoes. During steam cooker, potatoes are cooked in hot water at a temperature dependent on the variety and growing conditions. Once the structure is optimal, a mashing screw mashes the pieces into a light mash. A special pump subsequently transports the mash to the drying roller hygienically and without damage.

    Product description

    The steam cooker is a machine used for boiling in steam of various products. Boiling of potato slices to mashed potatoes is a common example.

    The machine consists of a round body onto which a lead screw is mounted. The rate of speed of this lead screw determines the boiling time. Clearance between screw and body amounts to just several millimetres. A direct steam-injection is fed through tiny holes in the bottom of the body. Machines with a much larger diameter allow for steam injection as well as steam injection through the rotating coupling fed by the axle. Steam injection through the bottom is realised through various rows of steam dividers, of which each can be sealed. The number of injection spots as well as the method of steam injection is based upon the boiling process of the machine. Due to the construction an even cooking-pattern is developed.

    A result of the boiling process is condensation. This condensation results in a humid product at the end of the boiling process. The condensation is led to the condensation drainage cups, assisted by the angle in which the machine is positioned.

    The entire top side of the machine is equipped with hatches which can be locked. Steam cannot escape while thorough cleaning is still possible. Infeed of steam is realised through a rotating air- lock, whereas steam loss is avoided as much as possible The egress is fully open and can be supplied with an exhaust system of one's own choice. The chute is also available in a double partitioned construction (optional).

    The machine is constructed of stainless steel.

    Product description

    Function Automatic potato steaming and thorough and even mashing
    Capacity 500-3600kg /hour
    Motor power 0.4-1kw
    Steam consumption 125-1000 kg /hour


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